
Core tunnel project
Core tunnel project

core tunnel project

The programme is part of our ambition to address the lack of social mobility across the UK and the resulting skills shortage in STEM orientated industries, which has been a core part of Christine’s work.” It was a great privilege to host the inspiring Christine Townley and all our guests at today’s event and talk about our investment in the local community through our partnership with MyKindaFuture. Gareth Burden, Project Director, London Power Tunnels, National Grid, said: “Today marked another milestone for the London Power Tunnels project which is picking up momentum as we connect our sites across South London. Pupils have needed National Grid’s help more than ever with careers support, advice and resources to enhance their education. The economic effects of COVID-19 have caused gaps in social mobility to widen, and school closures have led to greater inequalities in accessing education re­sources.

core tunnel project

Whilst many of the activities, such as workshops and presentations have been forced online, the need for the programme has never been stronger. This includes engaging with over 600 pupils at Bexleyheath Academy, less than 3 miles from the London Power Tunnels site at Hurst. Since its launch last September, despite the pandemic, National Grid has delivered a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and careers outreach programme to nearly 19,000 secondary school students. She is committed to championing diversity and bridging the gap between disadvantaged communities and careers in construction – aspirations also shared by National Grid and the focus of its own schools’ outreach programme with social enterprise, MyKindaFuture, which will look to work with 100,000 pupils from some of the most deprived secondary schools in South London over the next five years. Christine, who formally inaugurated the machine, was chosen for her role as a distinguished figure in the construction industry.

core tunnel project

The TBM was named ‘Christine’ after guest of honour at the event, Christine Townley.

Core tunnel project